《?? ?? ?》 High4/金艺林
音乐:《?? ?? ?》 High4/金艺林
词曲:未知 / 未知
介绍: HIGH4, Lim Kim _ A Little Close Boy group HIGH4 who entered the world of KPOP like a comet with 'Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms' with IU is returning with with the new muse, Lim Kim.
is a collaboration song with Lim Kim who's getting loved for her attractive voice color.
This groovy urban R&B...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQ3NzY5NDAw.html 如果没有系统的知识的帮助,先天的才能是无力的。直观能解决很多事,但不是一切。天才和科学结合后才能得到最高的成功。