《All These Things》 Darren Hanlon
音乐:《All These Things》 Darren Hanlon
演唱:Darren Hanlon
词曲:未知 / 未知
介绍:活泼不失精致的轻快民谣DarrenHanlon ---《All These Things》【MV】 DarrenHanlon is an Australian singer/songwriter who plays urban folk music. He has released five solo albums, three EPs and eight singles on Candle Records and Flippin Yeah industries, as well as several compilation tracks. After the dissolving of Candle Records he has started his own pseudo-label called Flippin Yea...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQyMjU1NDQwOA==.html 我渴望随着命运指引的方向,心平气和地、没有争吵、悔恨、羡慕,笔直走完人生旅途。