《Don't Care》 Sandra Lyng
音乐:《Don't Care》 Sandra Lyng
演唱:Sandra Lyng
词曲:未知 / 未知
介绍:[杨晃]挪威性感舞曲女歌手 Sandra Lyng 新单Don't Care Sandra Lyng - Don't Care (Offisiell Musikkvideo)Sandra Lyng Haugen is from the town of Mosjøen in the municipality of Vefsn in Nordland county, Norway. She rose to popularity after her participation in the TV 2 (Norway) program in which she placed fourth in Idol: Jakten på en superstjerne 2004, the...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg4MTQzNTA4.html 我是孤独的,我是自由的,我就是自己的帝王。 当我在说“愿上帝保佑女人”这句话时,尽管我们之中没有人能完全了解一位贤妻的崇高情怀,或是一位良母执着奉献,但他心中会说“阿门”。 明明白白我的心,楼主赏我个沙发!