One million pictures in the cloud, all at your service. Largest collection of pictures and backgrounds.With this CloudPict you can search for images or browse through our predefined categories. For example tou can search cars, abstract, landscapes or girls. All the backgrounds that you find in this application are safe for viewing as there is no porn or naked models. The predefined categories vary fROM Anime Manga Series and Anime Manga characters to animals, HD images, cars or even quotes.Wallpapers are displayed many at a time using a grid. You can scroll through images while the program loads more and more in the background. The user experience is the best, it does not even compare to similar apps. If you search, for instance, wallpapers with brunette women or blondes, you will find lots of pictures and can scroll through them; when you reach the end of the list CloudPict will load the next page automatically and you can continue browsing pictures you like.All the images are stored in the cloud, hence the name CloudPict. This means great download speed for you and less waiting. A massive collection of backgrounds means you can find ordinary images with cats, dogs, anime or nature, but this also means you can find exotic rare wallpapers like specific aircraft or helicopter models or even game characters.Our predefined categories vary from funny, cute, quotes, to sunsets, beaches or cars. We have girly wallpapers and images for guys. Gamers have pictures from games, flower lovers have flowers and so on. When you get bored you can browse through models, military, money or sports. On special occasions you might want to browse love, Christmas, New Years or Halloween. The rest of the time you might find yourself looking through general categories like city, scary, movies, space or music. We know you like cats or dogs so we have lots of animal pictures also.General Features:- Search images- Picture categories- Set as wallpaper- Save images on SD- Favorite backgrounds (your own private collection)Features that make us awesome:- Can make wallpaper stay still(no scroll)- Can rotate and crop images- Can share image with friends by email or other apps- Can auto-change wallpaper when you want with one of your favorites.- Simple and fast grid image layout- Fast auto-load of next page- Big resolution HD wallpapers, even tablet size- Simple navigation- 1,000,000 imagesCloudPict has a very special feature that automatically changes the wallpaper with a favorite one. Lets say you have favored 10 pictures of Angelina Jolie. You can set the wallpaper changer to 24h and you will have a new picture of Angelina as a background every day. Another scenario is you set the background changer to 10 minutes and chances are to have a new wallpaper every time you unlock your phone. This feature is still a bit experimental and might not work on some phones as expected. We are working hard to make this feature available for everyone.Image size can vary in some situations but it is never smaller that your phone needs; in fact, picture size in CloudPict is rarely smaller than 1200 in width. This means that tablet users can enjoy better wallpapers from the cloud.