
标题: 【假的】牛顿通过被苹果砸发现万有引力 [打印本页]

作者: center    时间: 2016-2-13 02:17
标题: 【假的】牛顿通过被苹果砸发现万有引力
很多牛顿的熟人,如William Stukeley和John Conduitt,在牛顿的晚年时期写的文章里都提到了此事(虽然那已经是苹果事件的50年之后)。不过这个故事流传开来主要靠的是伏尔泰的三手转述。
不过另一些人(Henry Pemberton和William Whiston)深入地“采访'过牛顿,问了很多引力起源的话题,却对苹果只字未。

上图为William Stukeley的手稿,记录了 1726年他和牛顿的一次对话。完整的手稿可以在皇家学会网站看到[1]。
... We went into the garden, & drank tea under the shade of some appletrees, only he, & myself. amidst other discourse, he told me, he was just in the same situation, as when formerly, the notion of gravitation came into his mind. "why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground," thought he to him self: occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in a comtemplative mood: "why should it not go sideways, or upwards? but constantly to the earths centre? assuredly, the reason is, that the earth draws it. there must be a drawing power in matter. & the sum of the drawing power in the matter of the earth must be in the earths centre, not in any side of the earth. therefore dos this apple fall perpendicularly, or toward the centre. if matter thus draws matter; it must be in proportion of its quantity. therefore the apple draws the earth, as well as the earth draws the apple."
作者: 单线程    时间: 2016-6-25 17:25

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