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孤岛危机作弊秘籍修改参数大全 X:游戏目录 GameConfig 里面的 diff_bauer.cfg diff_easy.cfg diff_hard.cfg diff_normal.cfg 里面添加以下命令,这 4 个文件分别对应游 戏的 4 个难度,你可以选择你对应的游戏难度修改,或者干脆 4 个文件都添加 比较有用的命令是:cl_hitshake [value] - Determines how much your view shakes when hit. High values increase the shaking, 0 disables it.意思 是减小射击抖动,添加语句:cl_hitshake = 0 但是我试验过,好像没有 用处,你们试试看,有用告诉我一下 time_scale [value] - This setting allows you to control the rate at which time passes. Any value below 1 slows down time (0 freezes everything), and any value above 1 speeds up the passage of time. Note that the time of day doesn't seem to change no matter how high you raise this setting. 意思是游戏的速度, 相当于开变速齿轮,添加语句:time_scale = 0.5 这条语句不要在.cfg 文 件里面用,最好在游戏里动态设置,方法我等下说 r_NoDrawNear [0,1] - If set to 1, disables near objects, which essentially means your character's gun and arms will disappear. This may or may not improve FPS, but the main use for this cvar would be if you wish to hide your gun.意思是不显示玩家的枪以及拳头,添加语句:r_NoDrawNear = 1 我 试验过,最好不要加这句,不然你在红点瞄准具的情况下拉近视野,会没有准 星的 i_iceeffects [0,1] - If set to 0, disables weapon effects for ice environments, which may boost FPS in such circumstances (system). 意思是去掉武器开火效果,添加语句:i_iceeffects = 0 如果觉得枪口火 光烦,就添加这句 ai_IgnorePlayer [0,1] - If set to 1, this option makes the player effectively invisible to enemy AI. Note that this doesn't disable AI processing; the sys_AI command does that (system). 玩家隐身用的,反正纳米装都可以隐身,我就没有试验这句 sys_AI [0,1] If set to 0, disables AI updates, which in effect makes AI unresponsive to anything. Unlike the ai_IgnorePlayer setting, the difference is that the AI are not ignoring the player, ai processing has been turned off altogether.关于敌人的 AI 设置,没意思,大概就是设 置之后,敌人不动,你打靶 ai_ForceStance [-1,0,1,2,3] - Forces all AI to take a particular stance: -1 disables forced stance, 0 = Stand, 1 = Crouch, 2 = Prone, 3 = Relaxed (system).敌人的行为设置。
添加语句: ai_ForceStance = 0 或者-1,1,2,3,对应的是:-1 禁止设置敌人行为,0 敌 人保持站立,1 敌人保持半蹲,2 敌人始终保持卧倒,3 敌人可以自己随意, 你要是觉得老是打不准敌人头的话,就设为 0,让他们始终站立吧 g_godmode [0,1] - If set to 1, enables 'God' mode, which makes the player impossible to kill.上帝模式,添加语句:g_godmode = 1 就是无敌啦 i_noweaponlimit [0,1] - If set to 1, allows you to carry as many weapons as you wish (system).很使用的命令,不限制武器携带数,添加语句: i_noweaponlimit = 1 ,你就可以同时带上所有武器了,我现在就带了 4 把主 战武器 i_unlimitedammo [0,1] - If set to 1, provides you with unlimited ammunition for all your carried weapons - when firing yourweapon its ammunition count will not go down (system).弹药无限,添加 语句:i_unlimitedammo = 1 就不用换弹夹了 例子:我是玩的“困难”难度孤岛危机3秘籍, 就是游戏中的第 3 个级别,那么就修改 D:dataGameConfigdiff_hard.cfg 文件孤岛危机3秘籍, 添加后的文件部分如 下:。
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