"Paniola Town Kiawe's House 1F",
"Paniola Town Kiawe's House 2F",
"Paniola Ranch NorthWest",
"Paniola Ranch SouthEast",
"Hano Beach",
"Hano Resort South",
"Hano Resort Lobby(Back)",
"Konikoni City Lighthouse (Diglett's Tunnel)",
"Royal Dome 1F",
"Route 8 AetherBase Outside",
"Route 8 FossilRestorationCenter Outside",
"Konikoni City West",
"Konikoni City Restaurant 1F",
"Iki Town SouthWest",
"Hau'oli City (Shopping) Ilima's House SwimPool",
"Wela Volcano Park (rocks behind sign)",
"Route 5 South of PokemonCenter",
"Hano Beach (below Sandygast)",
"Malie City (Outer) RecyclePlant Outside",
"Malie City FerryTerminal Outside",
"Malie City ApparelShop Outside",
"Malie City Salon Outside",
"Route 16 AetherBase Outside",
"Mt.Blush PowerPlant Outside",
"Malie City Library 2F",
"Malie Garden NorthEast",
"Malie City CommunityCenter",
"Hokulani Observatory Outside",
"Mt.Blush PowerPlant",
"Route 13",
"Route 14 Front of Megamart (Abandoned)",
"Route 14 North",
"Route 15 islet Surfboard Outside",
"Route 17 PoliceStation Outside",
"Route 17 PoliceStation",
"Po Town PokemonCenter Outside",
"Exeggutor Island (under rock)",
"Po Town ShadyHouse Outside (East)",
"Po Town PokemonCenter",
"Po Town ShadyHouse 1F",
"Route 13 Motel Outside",
"Po Town ShadyHouse 2F Outside",
"Route 17 South of PoTown",
"Ula'ula Meadow",
"Po Town ShadyHouse Outside (West) 1",
"Po Town ShadyHouse Outside (West) 2",
"Po Town ShadyHouse Outside (West) 3",
"Seafolk Village SouthEast Wiscash(Mina's Ship) Outside",
"Seafolk Village SouthWest Huntail",
"Seafolk Village SouthWest Huntail Outside",
"Seafolk Village SouthEast Wiscash (Mina's Ship)",
"Seafolk Village West Wailord (Restaurant)",
"Seafolk Village East Gyarados",
"Poni Wilds SouthEast",
"Ancient Poni Path Hapu's House(Kitchen)",
"Seafolk Village NorthEast",
"Ancient Poni Path Hapu's House(Bedroom)",
"Ancient Poni Path SouthWest",
"Ancient Poni Path Hapu's House Courtyard",
"Ancient Poni Path Hapu's House Outside behind Well",
"Ancient Poni Path NorthEast",
"Battle Tree Entrance",
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